Django Introduction – How to install Django and make projects

What is Django?

Django is a web-framework for python.The framework is a collection of tools that you have to use in a specific way to get the best results.There are more than 20 frameworks for python which are categorized as high level and low level.Django is the highest level framework and rest frameworks are pretty low level frameworks.The premise with django is that every website is really just a combination of certain apps.

Why Django?

Django inherited some of the python’s approaches and includes out-of-the box support for some common tasks in web development:

1.User authentication
2.Admin interface
3.Robust security
4.Support for multiple database back ends
5. Scalability

How to install Django?

Install python3 if not already installed in your system ( according to configuration of your system and OS) from .
Download the latest version of python it’s python3.6.5

Link to download python –>

Note : If python is already downloaded in your computer then you can skip the steps 1-7 and can directly go to step 8 for installing django.

Steps to Install Django

1.After you click on the link mentioned above the following page will appear in your computer screen

Django introduction

2.After that in the page shown above click on the download python-3.6.5 button.When you click on download button the file named python-3.6.5.exe should start downloading into your standard download folder.

3.After that for installation-purpose double-click the icon with name python-3.6.5.exe .
A Python 3.6.5(32-bit) Setup pop-up window will appear.In that pop-up window click Install now and make sure that you check the box at the bottom of the page saying Add python-3.6 to PATH.

4.After you click on install now button in the previous stage you will be shown a setup progress pop-up box as following.

Django introduction

5.If the setup is successful, you should see a window as below:


6.Click the Close button.

7.To verify whether python is installed or not,open the command prompt in your computer and type python –version. If your python installation was successful then  you should see a screen like below,otherwise python was not installed successfully in your computer.

Django introduction

8.Install pip by following the steps mentioned in this site

9.If you have installed pip and python successfully in your computer then you can directly installed django with the following command “ pip install django “.This will download and install the latest Django release.


How to make a new project in django?

1.To make a new project in django open the command prompt type “django-admin startproject your_project_name” .This will create a new django project with the name “your_project_name“.

Django introduction

2.After that cd into your project.

Django introduction

3.After that to run the project type following command “python runserver”.You will see a screen as below.

Django introduction

4.Now to check wether the server is running or not go to web browser and enter as url.

Django introduction

This is all about the introduction about django and how to install django in your system and start making new projects.

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