SQL Character Functions – Free Tutorial and Online Training

In SQL, there are various data types for string like VARCHAR, CHAR, RAW, VARCHAR2 etc. But, when the SQL character functions are used, the output data type is VARCHAR2.

SQL Character functions

It can be broadly classified into two categories:

  1. Case Manipulation functions
  2. Character Manipulation functions

Case Manipulation Functions in SQL :

  1.     LOWER():

LOWER() returns the string with all alpha characters of lower case where as the non alpha characters are remain unchanged

Query:  Select LOWER (‘Sql Tutorial’); 
Result:  sql tutorial  

Query:  Select LOWER (‘Sql Tutorial@Padhle’); 
Result:  sql tutorial @padhle 

  1.     UPPER():

UPPER() returns the string with all alpha characters of upper case where as the non alpha characters are remain unchanged

Query:  Select UPPER (‘Sql Tutorial’); 

Query:  Select UPPER (‘Sql Tutorial@Padhle’); 

Character Manipulation Functions in SQL :

1) Concat(): Contact() function is used to concatenate the two given strings.

Syntax: Contact(String1, String2);

Query:  Select Contact (‘Sql’, ‘Tutorial’); 
Result:  Sql Tutorial  

2) Length():

Length() function takes string expression or column and returns the length of given string expression or column. If column is empty or string has zero characters, it returns NULL.

Syntax: Length(Column or string)

Query:  Select Length (‘Padhle’); 
Result:  5  

3) Substr():

Substr() functions returns the portion of string with in given specified points

Syntax: Substr(String, start_point, Length_of_string_to_be_extracted)

Query:  Select Substr (‘HelloWorld’,1,5); 
Result:  Hello  

4) Instr():

Instr() functions finds the occurence of substring in a given string

Syntax: Instr(String, Substring)

Query:  Select Instr (‘Hello World , Hello is common world’, ‘common’); 
Result:  1  

5) Lpad():

Lpad() function pads the given string to a specified length in left side with given string.

Syntax: Lpad(string, length, padded_string)

Query:  Select Lpad (‘world ’10,’ hello’); 
Result:  helloworld  


Rpad() function pads the given string to a specified length in right side with given string.

Syntax: Rpad(string, length, padded_string)

Query:  Select Rpad (‘world ’10,’ hello’); 
Result:  worldhello  

7) Trim():

Trim() trims from start or end or both from the given string. If the character of string to be trimmed is specified, it trims the whitespace from both ends

Syntax: Trim(Leading or Trailing or Both , trim_string FROM string)

Query:  Select Trim (‘H  from Hello’); 
Result:  ello  

Query:  Select Trim (‘    Hello World   ‘); 
Result:  Hello World  

8) Replace():

Replace() string is used to replace the given string with another string in the given text.If replacement string is not given, then the string to be replaced is deleted from text

Syntax: Replace(text,Find_string, replace_string)

Query:  Select replace (‘Hello World’,’Hello’,’Hola’); 
Result:  Hola World  

This is all about the SQL character functions and their description.

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