Classification Problems and Logistic Regression

Classification Problems Classification problems are one of the types of problems in which the variable that we want to predict is valued.So we will learn an algorithm called logistic regression which is widely used and one of the most popular learning algorithm. Here are some examples of classification problems. To check weather an email is …

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Operators in PHP – Free PHP Tutorials

Operators in PHP define the type of operation to be performed on the operands i.e. values and variables. Operators are of great importance for any programming language. It makes problem-solving very easy. In PHP we have the following set of standard operators: Increment and Decrement Arithmetic Relational/Comparison String Assignment  Array Logical INCREMENT AND DECREMENT  In programming terms, …

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WAMP, MAMP, or LAMP for PHP – Free Php Tutorials

WAMP, MAMP, and LAMP are abbreviations for “Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP,” “Mac, Apache, MySQL, and PHP,” and “Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.” These abbreviations describe a fully functioning setup used for developing dynamic Internet web pages. WAMPs, MAMPs, and LAMPs come in the form of a package that binds the bundled programs together so that you don’t have …

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Sending Email in PHP – Free PHP Tutorials

Many Web applications have a need to send email messages. For example, a contact form script typically processes a form submitted by a visitor and emails the form information to the Webmaster. Other common scenarios include “ tell a friend ” functions, as well as member registration and “ forgotten password ” functions that email information to members. …

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