Django Tutorial

The Django admin site-Free Django Tutorials

The Django admin site ,For administrative activities django provides already build user interface.All developer knows how an admin interface is important for a web project.For your project models django automatically generates admin UI interface. Django’s automatic admin interface is the most powerful and important part. Now let’s review the admin site in the blog project …

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Models In Django-Free Django Tutorials

Objects in Django In object-oriented programming there is a concept called object.The idea behind object is that instead of writing everything as a sequence programming instructions,we can model things and can also define how they interact with each other. So object is a collection of actions and properties.Let’s understand it by example. Suppose if we …

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Writing Your First Blog App In Django-Part 3

We will continue to build our blog app where we left in the post writing-your-first-blog-app-in-django-part-2 Now let’s change our blog app little bit to get clear url rendering.Change the main blog app’s file as following: from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path from django.conf.urls import include,url urlpatterns = [ path(‘admin/’,, path(‘articles/’, include(‘articles.urls’)), ] …

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Django ORM and QuerySets – Free Django Tutorials

What is a queryset? For a given any model,a queryset is a list of objects.With the use of queryset user can read the data from database and can also order it. Let’s learn it by example. Django shell Go to the directory where we have blog app saved which we are creating in this post in …

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