

SQL is a database language that has commands to create, manipulate etc the database. All the commands can be broadly classified into following categories: DDL Commands DML Commands DCL Commands TCL Commands DDL(Data Definition Language) Commands: Data Definition Language commands in SQL are used to define the database schema. These commands deal with description of …

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Android Activity and Life Cycle – Android Online Training Tutorial

Here in this article we will discuss about the Android Activity and Life Cycle following topics Discuss about term Activity. Lifecycle of Activity. Discuss about Intent and communicate between activities. Android Activity Android Activity is a screen which appears on the device when you execute one of the apps. Activity forms a window on a …

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TestNg Annotations – Selenium online Training

TestNg annotations are the most crucial part to understand for the TestNG beginners . One must understand these annotations to write the scripts in TestNg and to build frameworks. Below are the TestNg Annotations @BeforeSuite: This method will be invoked before the suite runs. @AfterSuite: This method will be invoked after all the test cases …

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