Hardik Rana

Intersted in Machine learning and artificial intelligence.Exploring various fields of computer science like web development,Android development

How to use django with Apache-Free Django Tutorials

One of the tried and tested way to get Django into production is to deploying a django app with Apache and mod_wsgi. mod_wsgi is one of the Apache module which is used to host any python WSGI application,including django.You can find details about how to use mod_wsgi and install here: official mod_wsgi documentation. Basic configuration …

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File Uploading In Django-Free Django Tutorials

The file data ends up placed in request.FILES whenevar django handles a file upload.For more on the request object you can check this documentation:request and response objects .In this document you can check how files are stored on disk and in memory and how to customize the default behavior. Basic file uploads Consider a simple form which …

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Sending Email’s In Django -Free Django Tutorials

Django is one of the framework that comes with a ready and easy-to-use light engine for sending and receiving email’s.Although in python,to send or receive email you just need to import smtplib ,in django for email functionality user just have to import django.core.mail. Quick Example: from django.core.mail import send_mail send_mail( ‘Subject here’, ‘Here is the …

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URL configurations in the django view layer

In today’s high-quality web application a clean,elegant URL scheme is very important.With django we can design URLs as we want,with no framework limitations. We have to create a module called a URLconf (URL configuration) to design URLs for an app.This module URLconf  will contain pure python code and is a mapping between URL path expressions to views.This mapping …

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