Hardik Rana

Intersted in Machine learning and artificial intelligence.Exploring various fields of computer science like web development,Android development

Writing Your First Blog App In Django-Part 4

We will continue to build our blog app where we left in the post https://padhle.com/writing-your-first-blog-app-in-django-part-3/ .In this post we will see how to control the content of our site using django admin. Alright now so upto now we have a knowledge about how to interact with a database using django orm.We have also created a table and …

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The Django admin site-Free Django Tutorials

The Django admin site ,For administrative activities django provides already build user interface.All developer knows how an admin interface is important for a web project.For your project models django automatically generates admin UI interface. Django’s automatic admin interface is the most powerful and important part. Now let’s review the admin site in the blog project …

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