Var-Arg Methods in Java – Free Java Tutorials

Var-arg methods are generally the special methods that can take variable number of arguments during its calling. Such methods finds its application in programming languages to decrease the length of code and increase its re-usability. For example:

class Vararg
public static add(int x, int y)                //defining a method to add 2 numbers
System.out.println("Sum is "+(x+y));           //printing the sum of 2 members
public static void main(String [] args)
add(5,6);                                      //calling the method

If in this program we want to add more than 2 numbers then we have to create a separate method for it. Or we can use 1 single method with variable number of arguments which can calculate the sum of any number of arguments. If we want to create a method with variable argument then the following syntax is :

methodname (datatype... variablename)   //datatype is followed by exactly 3 dots '.' and then variable name
//method body

Declaring the method internally with variable argument JVM understands that any number of arguments can be pass to it. So to process them an array is made of all the arguments that are fetch to the array. This array has the same name as the variable name in argument. Now consider the better version of the first code,

class Vararg 
public static add(int... x)              //defining a method to add 2 numbers 
int sum = 0;
System.out.prinrln("Number of variables passed is "+x.length);         
//Using the length property of array to determine the number of variables
for(int i:x)
sum = sum+x[i];     
System.out.prinrln("Sum of variables passed is "+sum); 
//printing the sum of variables 
public static void main(String [] args) 
add(5,6);                                //calling the method with 2 arguments 
add(5,6,7);                              //calling the method with 3 arguments 
add(5,6,7,8);                            //calling the method with 4 arguments 


Number of variables passed is 2
Sum of variables passed is 11
Number of variables passed is 3
Sum of variables passed is 18
Number of variables passed is 4
Sum of variables passed is 26

Possible Declarations for Var-Arg Methods

Case-1: These are some of the possible cases for syntax in arguments.

add(int... a)           //valid
add(int a...)           //invalid
add(int ...a)           //valid
add(int. ..a)           //invalid
add(int .a..)           //invalid

Case-2: Defining a method with more than 1 argument and a variable argument.

student(String name, double... marks)          //valid
//a method that accepts a student name and marks in various subjects
student(double... marks, String name)          //invalid
//variable argument should always be the last argument in method definition

Case-3: A method with more than 1 var-args parameter is not possible.

students(String... name, double... marks)      //invalid

Case-4: If there are multiple methods with same name i.e. the method is overloaded then the priority of the var-args method will be least. It means that calling this method can only occur when no other method matches the criteria for method calling.

class VarArg
public static void add(int a, int b)                 //simple method
System.out.println("Simple method called.");
public static void add(int... a)                     //var arg method
System.out.println("Var-Arg method called.");
public static void main(String[] args)
//method calling


Simple method called.
Var-Arg method called.

Case-5: A method cannot be overload in such a way that it is a var-args method and a method with single dimensional array as an argument.

class Student
public static void totalmarks(int[] a)                 //method with array as argument
//method body
public static void totalmarks(int... a)                //var arg method
//method body
public static void main(String[] args)
//method calling

Note- While compiling this program we will get compile time error because method with var-args parameter and array parameter cannot be declare in a program lifecycles.

Var-arg and Single-Dimensional Arrays

In certain conditions, one may think that what is the difference between using var-args argument and single-dimensional array as both can take a variable number of arguments. Consider the following cases to understand the difference.

Case-1: If a method has a single-dimensional array as an argument then it can replace by a var-arg argument.

add(int[] a)    =>      add(int... a)             //valid
add(double[] a) =>      add(double... a)          //valid

Case-2: If a method has a var-arg argument then it cannot replace with an array argument.

add(int... a)      =>     add(int[] a)             //invalid
add(double... a)   =>     add(double[] a)          //invalid

This is all about the Var-Arg Methods in Java.

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