Gradient Descent In Classification Problems and Multi class Classification

So in the last post we have seen about what are the classification problems, hypothesis function and cost function in classification problems. Now in this post we we will see about simplification of that cost function and how to apply gradient descent to fit the parameters of logistic regression. Simplified Cost Function In the last …

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C program to determine factorial – free C programming tutorial

In this tutorial you will be familiarized with writing a C program to determine factorial of the number entered by user or given number. Factorial: Factorial is defined as the product of an integer and all the integers below it. Factorial of a number ‘n’ is given as : n! = 1*2*3*4*5*…* (n-1) where n …

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fibonacci series – free C programming tutorial

In this tutorial you will be familiarized with the fibonacci series, and along with it we discuss C language program code to calculate the series. fibonacci series : fibonacci series is defined as the series of numbers in which each number is equal to sum of its preceding two numbers. Example of normal fibonacci-series is …

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Algorithm in C- free C programming tutorial

In this tutorial you will be familiarize with the algorithm in C programming language. Algorithm : An algorithm is defined as a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations or  It can be defined as procedure or formula of solving a problem step by step i.e. sequentially or In algorithms …

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