In this article we will learn when to use free theme or paid theme. As a beginner , we always keep on searching the free themes for our website and that is not bad , If we can get the free theme as per our needs that what’s better than that.
Do you really need free theme or paid theme
- If you are beginner it is not recommended to invest in paid themes as might be they are not aware of what is their exact requirement, so just download any free theme from word press market or any trusted resource.
- Many free theme are available in word press directory and you can just search install any of them you like.
Note – Never download any paid theme for free from an unauthenticated source , as website may have issues in future as nothing is free in this world.
I tried downloading the pad theme for free from unauthenticated source and check what happened after that.
Steps to install wordpress theme from wordpress market
- Open WordPress Dashboard.
- Go to Appearance then select themes and click on it

- Click on Add New theme.

- Now select any theme from below list or search a particular theme and click on install and activate it.
- You can also preview the theme before installing.

- Hurrah – you are done now – installed WordPress theme.
Which free theme is best for wordpress
So if you have decided to not to invest in theme , try ASTRA free theme for wordpress websites.
Benefits of ASTRA theme –
1) Perfect for beginners – free of cost.
2) Light weight theme.
3) Loading time is very less and it is quite fast theme.
4) Comes with 20+ free starter template – to make website attractive.
Note – Free themes comes with limited features and a very basic design but i tried it too and that features are sufficient for my website. Currently using free ASTRA theme. You can check your requirement of website or blog if that fits then try its free theme.
If you don’t want ASTRA theme , there are many other themes are also available in wordpress market for free but i would recommend to install ASTRA theme for free.
Steps to install free and fast Astra theme
Follow the above steps and search astra in search box and install it.

Is Free theme is secure ?
If you have downloaded the free theme from trusted source or authenticated resource and officially theme is available for then go ahead without any issues.
When to switch to Paid theme ?
- If you need some extra features or plugins that are not under free theme , then you need to switch to paid theme.
- When your website is not satisfied with the free starter template and want to try paid templates to make website more attractive.
Benefits of Paid Theme
- Better design themes and many new features.
- Official support from the company.
- One time investment only.
- Many website building templates under paid plan.
Check the premium/Paid plan features of ASTRA theme.
Hope now you clear -how to install the beautiful and best wordperss theme for free. Before installing the theme make sure you have idea about how to build the wordpress website for free without coding knowledge.