In this article , I will explain what happen when we download paid theme from unauthorized website to save a lot of money. I did the same with this website and sharing my experience here.
Table of content
1) why we do not download software or themes from unauthorized links ?
2) What is Must-Use plugin in wordpress ?
3) what is rms_unique_wp_mu_pl_fl_nm.php file ?
4) what is
5) How to remove rms_unique_wp_mu_pl_fl_nm.php and from your website ?
Download Paid themes or plugins from unauthorized links for free
First understand this thing “ Nothing comes free in this world “, many people downloaded licence software or paid theme for their wordpress site or computer to save the licence cost.
What happens when we download theme / plugin / software from unauthorized links ?
Many unauthorized websites provided free software wordpress theme , but before downloading kindly check the authenticity of the website and never download if you are using these software or theme or wordpress plugin for some official use or business or for your wordpress website.
These unauthorized wordpress themes / plugins may contain some programs which can read your website data like login credentials , Data base credential and can insert some scripts to your website theme which can affect your website a lot.
Must-use plugin in wordress and why it creates
When you download some unauthorized wordpress theme or plugin to save your money , the unauthorized theme or plugin may contain code which create a mu-plugin folder in this location wp-content/plugin.

The folder may contain some harmful scripts that can take your website access and can redirect your link to suspicious link.

rms_unique_wp_mu_pl_fl_nm.php file in wordpress
This file is created when we download/install unauthorized theme /plugin in wordpress and it is mostly present in mu-plugin folder explained above. This php file contains the script which can read the website user data or many things , It is kind of you can say virus.
Note – If you try to delete the mu-plugin or rms_unique_wp_mu_pl_fl_nm.php file it will create again on refreshing the website.
what is ?
Many attackers/hackers attack the wordpres websites with this virus and they redirect the website link to this suspicious link.This virus add some scripts in the website theme code or plugin code and mostly they add this code in funtion.php file of the theme which redirect the url of website to some suspicious website.
Ways to get rid off this virus , redirect link
1) Delete the unauthorized plugin or theme immediately as the plugin installation files may contain these harmful script.
2) If the above does not helps , immediately call hosting providers they will run some script to remove all this.
3) To solve this problem , above two steps are sufficient.
Steps to avoid this wordpress attack
1) Never download wordpress themes or plugin from unauthorized websites.
2) Never download any paid / licence theme or plugin for free from unauthorized websites.
3) It is recommended always download plugin from wordpress official website.
4) It is recommended – always download free theme from official websites only who owns the theme.
5) Download paid themes only from official websites and own their licence , so that you get proper support for these themes in case of any issue.
Read this – Start building your website from scratch
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