Conditional statements – free C programming tutorial

In this tutorial, you will be familiarize with the conditional statements available for C programming language along with their syntax.

Conditional statements

Conditional statements are those code which allows you to control the program’s flow of the execution centred on a condition.
It means that the statements in the program are not executed in sequence.
Rather, one group of statements is executed, depending on how the condition is evaluated.

Conditional statements in C programming language are:

  1. if statement
    2. if-else statement
    3. Ternary\conditional statement
    4. nested if-else statement
    5. switch statement

  1. if Statement:

Syntax for if statement:

if (condition)
  1. If condition written in brackets() is true, then single statement or multiple statements inside the curly braces executes, otherwise skipped.
  2. Numerical values other than zero is considered true while zero is false.

2. if-else Statement:

Syntax for if-else Statement :

if (condition)


Conditional operator in C is defined as operator which checks condition which is written before (?) and returns one value as a result/output.

Syntax for the conditional operator is:
(test expression)? Expression1: Expression2 ;

For example :

(A > 100  ?  0  :  1);

In above example, if value stored in variable A is greater than 100, then 0 is returned else 1 is returned as output.
This is equivalent to if else conditional statements.

If  conditional operators return a value then we have to store the output in a variable.
Then the syntax is given below:

Variable = (test expression)? Expression1: Expression2 ;

For example:

int x =    (A > 100  ?  0  :  1);

In above example, if value stored in variable A is greater than 100, then 0 is returned else 1 is returned as output and returned value is stored in variable x.

4. nested if-else Statement:

 Syntax for nested if-else Statement:

if (condition1)
   if (condition2)
      if (condition3)


else        statements;

5. switch statement:

 Syntax for switch statement:

switch (expression)
      case    label: statements;                     
      case    label: statements;                      
      case    label: statements;                      
      case    label: statements;                       
      default      : statements;                       

* Expression written in the switch must results in integer value.
* Otherwise default statement executes if present in the switch statement.
* break statement must be written in the end in each case.
* break causes the execution to jump out of the switch to the statement immediately following the switch.

This is all about the conditional statements available for C programming language along with their syntax.
if you have any query please comment below.

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