
Skip Test case in TestNg and Ignore Test Case in TestNg – online Training

Skip Test case in TestNG In TestNg we can skip the test case by using the throw new SkipException(“message”); We may come across the situation like when we do not have sufficient data and we want to skip the test case in that condition then we can use the SkipException . Java Program : Here we …

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Windows handling and switch Tab in selenium – online Training and Tutorials

Windows handling in selenium is one of the most crucial part to handle the different windows and to handle the different windows Tab. We may come across the various scenarios when we click on some link and another windows opened and we need to switch to the other window , to handle different windows while …

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Android Intent Service – Android Online Training Tutorial

Service is one of the major component of android. It is basically used to perform job on different  thread other than main UI thread. Android Intent Service perform operations such as loading video contents, loading multiple images or loading audio from server . Services are of different types but here we discuss about Android Intent …

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