Overloaded Constructors in Java : Free Java Tutorials

Overloaded constructors exist in Java. Within a class, we can declare multiple constructors. All these constructors are having the same name but different type of arguments. Hence, all these constructors are considered overloaded constructors. Hence, overloading concept is applicable to constructors.

Example of Overloaded Constructors

// Demo class
class Demo 
    // defining three overloaded constructors
	// No arguments constructor
		// calling integer arguments constructor of the same class
		System.out.println("No-arguments constructor called");
	// integer argument constructor
	Demo(int i)
		// calling double arguments constructor of the same class
		System.out.println("integer-argument constructor called");
	// double argument constructor
	Demo(double i)
		System.out.println("double-argument constructor called");
	public static void main(String[] args)
	    // creating demo class objects using different constructors
	    Demo d1 = new Demo();
          Demo d2 = new Demo(50);
          Demo d3 = new Demo(5.66);

Here, every constructor when calls this(), control flow first executes that constructor and then return back to the original constructor.

Hence, the above program will have following output.


double-argument constructor called
integer-argument constructor called
No-arguments constructor called
double-argument constructor called
integer-argument constructor called
double-argument constructor called

For constructors, inheritance and overriding concepts are not applicable. But overloading concept is applicable.

Every class in Java including abstract class can contain constructor but an interface cannot contain constructor.

An interface doesn’t contain any instance variables. It only contains static variables. Hence, an interface doesn’t need a constructor since constructor’s main aim is to initialize instance variables.

Recursive call in constructors

If there is a possibility of recursive constructor invocation, then the code will not be compiled successfully.

// Demo class
class Demo 
    // defining two overloaded constructors which recursively call each other.
	// No arguments constructor
		// calling integer arguments constructor of the same class
	// integer argument constructor
	Demo(int i)
		// calling no-arguments constructor of the same class
	// main method
	public static void main(String[] args)
	    System.out.println("main method is executing");   

Running above program will give us a compile-time error saying recursive constructor invocation.

However, if we recursively call two methods instead of constructors, it will not give us a compile-time error. Instead, it will give us a runtime error – Stack Overflow Error.

// parent class
class Parent
    // parent class integer-argument constructor
    Parent(int i)

// child class
class Child extends Parent

When we run the above code, we will get a compile-time error saying Implicit super constructor Parent() is undefined for default constructor. Must define an explicit constructor.

Note that, if parent class contains any argument constructor, then while writing child classes, we have to take special care with respect to constructors.

Whenever we are writing any argument constructor, it is highly recommended to write no-arguments constructor also since default constructor of child class will always invoke the super-class no-arguments constructor.

An example involving Constructor and Exception Handling

// parent class
class Parent
    // parent class integer-argument constructor
    Parent(int i) throws IOException

// child class
class Child extends Parent

Running the above code will give us a compile-time error saying unreported exception java.io.IOException in the default constructor.

Reason: The child class default constructor will call the superclass constructor. Since our parent class constructor throws IOException (checked exception), the child constructor must handle that exception while calling parent constructor.

If parent class constructor throws any checked exception, child class constructor must throw the same checked exception or its parent. Otherwise, the program will not compile.

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