INDEX: SQL Tutorial

SQL Hosting

SQL Introduction:

Organised collection of data is called as a database. Arrangement and organizing the data is the most important part.

A Database is a systematic collection of data.  Database systems are used  to store, access, delete, or to systematically organize data in a database.This Article will describe “SQL Hosting plans”.  Consider a cafeteria, which provides snacks and other eatable item to its customers. Traditionally, the snacks, juice, and other items are maintained manually using ledgers. As the number of customers increases, managing and handling becomes difficult .Now, maintaining part is difficult and store manager wants to switch from the manual gear to automatic gear i.e. Information on sales were noted down manually, and as the sales increases this information can be stored in an electronic database and a DBMS can be used to manages such a records.

A DBMS manages the database. MYSQL is a relational database management system. Records and other values are sorted over several tables instead of sorting all the items in a single table .MySQL uses the standardized Structured Query Language (SQL) to manage the database. Query languages are computer languages used to make queries to database and information system. SQL could be used on minicomputers, mainframes, and personal computers.

Like any other programming language, SQl commands are distributed according to its functions. The main categories of SQl commands are:

Update Query

 SQL Hosting

As discussed, A database is a place to store and retrieve organised data. Some of well known Database management systems are -MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, SAP and DB 2. If web servers are hosted by (ISP= Internet service provider) then a SQL must be hosted using SQL hosting plans

Some  famous SQL Hosting Plans are :


  • It is one of the most widely used database works on RDBMS( relational database management system)
  • MySQL is  cheap in comparison to expensive Microsoft and Oracle products.
  • It is a popular database for web applications and also acts as an central  component  of “LAMP” [LAMP- Linux, Apache,MySQL,Perl/PHP/Python]


  • Oracle is expensive in comparison to MySQL
  • It is also a very powerful tool ,robust in nature , and a full featured SQL database system.
  • Generally they are used for websites with High traffic.

MS Access

  • Ms Access was developed by Microsoft . It is a database management system for Microsoft
  • Microsoft Jet database  engine are related to MS Access. They are used to deploy graphical user interface.
  • It also supports different objects like DAO(Data Access objects) , Active X data components , and other Active X components.


  • It is a database management system with ORDBMS features. ( ORDBMS- object-relational database management system )
  • it was devloped by PostgreSQL Global Development Group.
  • Postgre is a default database server for  MAC OS X
  • PostgreSQL is a cross platform database designed to be used on many operating systems- (Linux, Microsoft windows, Solaris)

This are some important and widely used SQL Hosting plans . There are many others SQL Hosting plans available in the market -(MSSQL, SQLite and others).

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